The proposed workshop aims to provide a cutting-edge perspective on group interactions in the field of robotics and promote the development of adaptive robots' behavior in multiparty contexts.
Topics of interests include but are not limited to:
- Understanding group dynamics through the use of social robots.
- Promoting natural communication, mutual understanding and trust in human-robot mixed groups
- Designing social robots able to interact with groups
- Gamification in multiparty human-robot interactions ...
When : July 19th, 2024 in Delft, RSS conference

Alessandra Sciutti interviewed for the radio show "Io, Chiara e il green" on Rai Isoradio

Alessandra Sciutti interviewed by Riccardo Dal Ferro for the podcast "Daily Cogito"

Live Interview on Instagram for She is a Scientist by Nicole Ticchi on women in robotics. 16th February 2022.

Alessandra Sciutti interview on collaborative and intuitive robots (in Italian)

Alessandra Sciutti: interview on Building more sensitive robots on the online blog "Le donne nella scienza"

Alessandra Sciutti interviewed by IITalk on the theme "What is reality?"

Alessandra Sciutti interviewed on a daily italian newspaper laRepubblica - Genova in the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Online event within Web Marketing Festival about the concept of shared perception as part of the affective processing mechanisms towards a real-world affective computing system.

Alessandra Sciutti: interview on Building more sensitive robots on the online blog "Le donne nella scienza"

Alessandra Sciutti interviewed by IITalk on the theme "What is reality?"

Alessandra Sciutti interviewed on a daily italian newspaper laRepubblica - Genova in the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.

Online event within Web Marketing Festival about the concept of shared perception as part of the affective processing mechanisms towards a real-world affective computing system.

Online interview by the team of Festival del Futuro about the potential future scenarios of the relationship between humans and robots that will focus on an anthropocentric approach.

Cover interview by the radio show "Eta Beta" on Rai Play Radio about the ways in which robots will help us getting out of the Covid-19 crisis.

Interview on national newspaper website Il Sole 24 ORE (28th February 2020) about the multidisciplinary approach to robotics and the robots' abilities.

Scientific investigation on national television channel Rai News 24 (7th February 2020) about research activities carried out at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova.

Interview on national newspaper Il Secolo XIX (25th October 2019) about enabling AI to perceive emotions and to understand the context of interaction.

Alessandra Sciutti - Interview on national radio station RadioTreScienza (30 July 2018) and on the local web magazine La voce di Genova” (6 August 2018) on the ERC project.
Story also covered in a national newspaper article in La Repubblica (6 August 2018)
past events
festival della scienza 2023

Location: IEEE RO-MAN confererence, Busan, August 28-31, 2023

Workshop BAILAR (Behavior Adaptation and Learning for Assistive Robotics) in conjunction with the 32nd International Conference on Robots & Human Interactive Communication (ROMAN 2023),
28- 31 August, 2023, Busan (Korea).

Workshop on Adapted intEraction with SociAl Robots (cAESAR)
The aim of this Workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who are working on various aspects of social robotics and adaptive interaction.
Here the links of last years:
CAESAR 2023: https://caesar2023.di.unito.it/
CAESAR 2022: https://caesar2022.di.unito.it/
CAESAR 2021: https://caesar2021.di.unito.it/
CAESAR 2020: https://caesar2020.di.unito.it/

Round table at "Rome Videogame Lab"

"Robot: Da interfaccia a interazione"

Intelligenza 2.0: quando l'intelligenza, da soggetto che innova, diventa oggetto di innovazione

"Towards an Affective-Aware Perception-Action Cycle for HRI"