conference paper
Journal Article
Journal Article
Conference PapeR
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Workshop Paper
Barros P., Tanevska A., Sciutti A., Affect-Aware Learning for Social Robots; CAESAR workshop at Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Workshop Paper
Workshop Paper
conference paper
Workshop Paper
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Journal Article
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Journal Article
Book Chapter
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Workshop Paper
Conference Paper
Journal Article
Conference Paper
Workshop Paper
Conference Paper
Conference Paper
Workshop Paper
Conference Paper
Invited speaker (Virtual) at the 2022 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots in Okinawa, Japan on November 28, 2022.
Keynote speaker at the SCIAR workshop (Social and Cognitive Interactions for Assistive Robotics); IROS Kyoto 27 October 2022; Title: "Robots that understand us"
Speaker at IROS Workshop Artificial Intelligence for Social Robots Interacting with Humans in the Real World [intellect4hri]; Kyoto 27 October 2022; title: "Can a robot be intelligent without being social?"
Invited Speaker at the NeuroEngineering School. Talk Title: “The sensorimotor bases of interaction with the world and with others”. Villa Cambiaso, Genoa, Italy, 18th-22nd July 2022
Invited Speaker at the Winter School PERSEO on Ethics and Interdisciplinary Research Methods for Personalized Robotics. Talk Title: “Adaptation in Cognitive Robotics: To Whom and To What Extent”. Virtual, 23rd March 2022
Invited Speaker at the Center for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) Talk Series at Plymouth University. Talk Title: “Cognitive robots for more humane interactions”. Virtual, 2nd February 2022
Invited speaker at University Campinas, Brazil. Talk Title: “A social perspective on cognitive Architectures”. Virtual. 13th January 2022.
Invited talk at the event “Sulle note del futuro: comunicare le nuove sfide dalla robotica allo spazio” organized by the National Association of Scientific Journalists. Talk title: “An (Italian) robot as a friend” (in Italian). Piacenza, 4th December 2021
Keynote Speaker at the ANIMATAS Symposium 2021. Talk Title: “Sharing perception with a robot”, Virtual, 14 October 2021
Invited Speaker at Rotary Club Chiavari-Tigullio, Chiavari, Italy, 1 October 2021
Invited Panelist to the event “Do you know AI?” organized by Bosch, Virtual, 7 October 2021
Invited Speaker to the Round Table “Robot revolution: will they replace us?” organized by PHYD, Adecco digital venture within the Phygital Week, Milan, Italy (Virtual), 5 October 2021
Invited Speaker at the Workshop Poeticon-reloaded within the iCog initiative, Virtual, 22 September 2021
Invited Speaker at the Robotics & Ergonomics Workshop organized by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia and Societa’ Italiana di Ergonomia, Genoa, 21 September 2021
Invited Speaker at the Workshop on Human-aligned Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Agents and Robots at the IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2021, Virtual, 27 August 2021
Invited Speaker at the Trust, Acceptanc e and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction Workshop (SCRITA), Virtual, 12 August 2021
Invited Panelist at the event “To Leave and Come Back” (in Italian) organized by Federmana ger Liguria, Virtual, 12 May 2021
Invited Speaker at the Women in Tech Ignite session of MATLAB EXPO, Virtual, 4 May 2021
Invited speaker and panelist at the Cognitive Architecture for Robot Agents Workshop (TransAIR 2021), Virtual, 28 March 2021
Invited Speaker at the E-Workshop "Enacting Meaningful Worlds: Perspectives and Methods", Virtual, 9 March 2021
Invited talk at the HRI 2021 Workshop "Lifelong Learning and Personalization in Long-Term Human-Robot Interaction (LEAP-HRI)", online, 8 March 2021.
Invited talk at the ROMAN2020 Workshop, Online, 1 September 2020. Title: “Towards social intelligence"
Invited talk at the round table “Verso l’era dei robot umanoidi” (Toward the age of humanoid robots), 17 July 2020, with Markus Krienke and Michele Focchi at the festival “Le parole della Montagna”, Smerillo (FM).
Invited talk at the VisLab, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Online, 14th July 2020. Title: “Shared Perception between Humans and Robots”
Invited talk at the ExperienceLabTalks Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 3 July 2020, Online, on human-robot interaction and UX in robotics.
Invited lesson within the series Science and Future: from consequences to applications (ITA) 23 April 2020, Online, organized by Fondazione Golinelli and DeAgostini. Title: “Challenges and opportunities of today’s robotics”
Invited talk at the workshop Robotics and AI for health and social care, Buchs, Switzerland, 3-4 December 2019. Title: “Shared perception with robots”
Invited talk at the 1st Workshop Göttinger HCI Gespräche at ZESS, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany, 14 November 2019. Title: “Cognitive Robotics for more Humane Machines"
Invited talk at the Cutting Edge Forum "Cognitive architectures for humanoids: where are we in our quest to achieve human-level AI in robotics?" at IROS 2019 Macau, China, 6 November 2019. Title: “Cognitive architecture dynamics: how can a cognitive robot develop?"
Keynote at the 20th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, Trento, Italy, 13 Sept 2019. Title: "Cognitive Vision for Human Robot Interaction".
Invited talk at the workshop Testing Embodied Cognition: The Embodied Mind in a Cognitive Universal Body, Göttingen, Germany, 5 Sept 2019. Title: "The iCub project and the quest for cognition"
Invited talk at Universita' Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 15 April 2019. Title: “Cognitive Robotics for better human understanding and more friendly robots”
Invited talk at the Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience - Ben Gurion University - Beer Sheva, Israel, 10 April 2019. Title:” Joint action and perception with humans and robots”.
Invited talk at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Formal DCC Lecture - Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 26 March 2019. Title: “Cognitive Robotics and Interaction”
Keynote at the AIR project kick-out meeting - Skӧvde, Sweden, 19-20 March 2019. Title: “Robot & Humans: from mutual understanding to interaction and trust”
Keynote at the Cognitive Science Arena 2019 - Bressanone, Italy, 15-16 February 2019. Title: “Future challenges in cognitive science: The new frontier of human robot interaction”
Invited talk at The 1st International Symposium on Symbiotic Intelligent Ststems (SISReC) - Osaka, Japan, 25 January 2019. Title:"Intutitive understanding between humans and robots".
Invited talk at the series of events "Disegni, Invenzioni e Macchine" ("Drawings, Inventions and Machines") at Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy, 16th January 2019. Title: "Robots that help humans...to understand themselves" (Robot che aiutano… a comprendere l'uomo, in Italian).
Presentation "wHiSPER - Investigating Human Shared Perception with Robots" to the ISCIT (Istituto Superiore di Studi in Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione) students, Genoa, Italy, December 7, 2018.
Invited talk at the Festival Dell’Eccellenza al Femminile – Genoa, Italy, 20 November 2018. Title: “Communication in the robot era” (“Comunicazione al tempo dei robot”, in Italian).
Invited talk at the SICSA Workshop on Cyber Physical Systems – Edinburgh, UK, 16 November 2018. Title: “Mutual understanding for better human-robot interaction”.
Keynote at the World Usability Day – Turin, Italy, 8 November 2018. Title: “More Humane Robots” (“Robot piu’ umani”, in Italian).
Invited Talk at Skövde University, Skövde, Sweden - October 23, 2018. Title: “Action and Perception in HRI”.
Keynote at the workshop BODIS: The utility of body, interaction and self learning at IROS 2018 - Madrid, Spain, October 2018.